Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Domain 4 - Vocabulary

Kimberly Taron
Domain 4: Vocabulary, Academic Language, and Background Knowledge
Competency: Vocabulary
2nd Grade

This week I observed the class working on vocabulary using words from their most recent literature that was read aloud by the teacher.  The teacher demonstrated instruction that fit the age and ability of the students because the words she selected were age-appropriate and she also had the students help her come up with definitions for the words one-by-one (rather than just pull them straight from a dictionary).  This helped students understand the vocabulary in a way that made the most sense to them (using "kid-friendly" definitions).   The definitions they came up with were simple and they also included synonyms and antonyms.  After writing down all the words and their definitions, the students were told they would be participating in a "super-star sentence show down."  Each table group was given two of the vocabulary words from this week and were instructed to come up with a super-star sentence as a group that included those two words.  The teacher modeled using two of the words for the students:  "When I cuddled my pillow and teddy bear it helped me feel settled in my bedroom." This activity helped students create and see examples of how the vocabulary are used in the context of sentences to deepen students' understanding of meaning. Instructional Setting: The instructional setting was helpful for the students because the teacher had her own graphic organizer with her vocabulary words posted and definitions for students to follow along.

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