Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Domain 1 - Reading Assessment

Kimberly Taron
Domain 1: Planning Organizing and Managing Reading Instruction Based on Ongoing Assessment
Competency 2: Reading Assessment
Grade Level: 5
ELD Class

I observed reading assessment in my 5th grade tutoring class.  The teacher in this class covers "monitoring of progress assessments" with her students by monitoring AR (Advanced Readers) test scores and the weekly progress made by her students.  After the students read a book of their choice, they take an AR test on comprehension.  The computer keeps track of all their scores and the level of difficulty gives a higher score.  She keeps track of if students are adequately progressing and meeting her standards and also if they are meeting their own goals that they set for themselves every week.  She prints out a list of all the student scores every week and assesses which students are not meeting the class standards.  The highlighted names are students whose scores are not up to what they need to be so she will have them do book club and have more time with me in the morning reading.  She also meets with each student individually every Friday to communicate with them about their assessment results and to discuss whether or not they met their goals for the week.  If their goals were met, they discuss what they did to meet their goals and set new and more challenging goals for the following week.   If the students did not meet their goals, they explained why they thought that happened to the teacher and then together the teacher and student came up with new goals to write down for the next week and talked about what they needed to do to reach their goals. Meeting with the teacher weekly to discuss goals and strategies gives the students a sense of responsibility and motivation because they need to monitor and assess themselves and report to the teacher. 

Instructional Setting:  The setting provides many supports for the students to meet their weekly goals.  They have a class library where they have a multitude of books of different levels, genres, and interests for the students to choose from.  They are given silent reading time in class every morning and opportunities to take AR tests throughout the school day.  They have teacher support and written goals to refer back to throughout the week. 

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